Interesting Fact About Spray Foam Art

Have you ever heard of spray foam art? You might be wondering what exactly you can create with spray foam. For the most part, spray foam is used to make light weight sculptures. This can range from traditional stature to mythical creatures. It is also used alot for making tree trunks in amusement parks. The reason it is commonly used for sculpting is that it is lightweight and once you create your base shape with certain tools, it can easily be molded into anything. Let’s just put it this way, it is easier than chiseling stone… a lot easier. Spray foam is also used to make movie and tv sets. It is lightweight and flexible, making it a perfect medium to create intricate designs. It is really amazing to look at the behind the scenes of how they are made and see how much foam is used in fantasy type movies. The great thing about spray foam art, also known as expanding foam art, is that the barrier to entry is not too high. There is no limit to the creativity that can be used with spray foam since it is so moldable. 

So you are probably wondering if this is something you can try at home. The answer is yes! Plus, it is not expensive to get into the art of spray foam sculpting. So if you are looking for ideas for your first project, we suggest searching it on Pinterest. The interesting things people are creating entirely out of spray foam may surprise you. Just know that as you start making spray foam art, it is important to note that you definitely need a good pair of gloves that can be ruined along with old clothes. Spray can ruin a new shirt instantly. Some other tools that may help you to create are: a dremel, small coping saw, heat gun, foam cutter, or a hot knife. Once you have your tools, the sky's the limit. One last thing you might need are some extra spray foam replacement tools. After you use the spray foam and it sits, it will clog up your tube. Lucky for you, we have some tube replacements as well. So get out there and create something amazing.