The History Of Spray Foam And How It Is Used Today.

There are so many different applications for spray foam. When it was first created by Otto Bayer in 1937, foam was used in many different ways. All the way from cushions for shoes to many industrial applications. Later it was discovered that spray foam also worked extremely well as an insulator. It was this purpose that led to its popularity, which is what most people know about today. Its non-toxic form and its fast curing makes spray foam ideal for small insulation projects at home. Expanding foam sealant has low thermal energy. As a result the substance can reduce conductive heat transfer which is why it is a great insulator. 

Polyurethane, or spray foam, has a very moldable form factor which makes it perfect to fill in those hard to reach cracks. It can even be molded for custom packaging. Its very diverse form factors make it the perfect tool for construction, where it is mainly used today.

Spray foam has also caught the attention of artists who use its flexibility to create sculptures and other various forms of art. Just take a look on Pinterest for ideas on how to create your own masterpiece. There are even viral videos with contractors using spray foam as a form of visual entertainment art. So when you hear the term spray foam, or expanding foam, you now know all of the interesting ways you can use it.

As you read this, you are probably thinking about the practical ways to use spray foam. For the most part it is best used in the home for stopping unwanted air from coming into the home. It can also be used as a sound insulation to stop or limit unwanted sounds. If you are having any of these issues, the best thing would be to look on Youtube and there will be many examples of how to use spray foam properly. If you do not end up using your entire can of spray foam, your tube will end up being clogged. So if you are looking for replacement foam tubes, we have you covered.