Best Practices for using Spray foam Cans

Do you have a diy home insulation project that you would like to use spray foam for? Let’s go over the best practices for utilizing expanding foam in your home. In this article we are going to walk you through what you need to know so that your project will be successful! 

As in most diy projects, a successful project starts with planning and prep work. Spray foam can be unpredictable as it is sprayed, and it can easily destroy things in your home. So there are several steps to take in order to keep you and your home safe. First thing is to put down a tarp in the place where you plan on using the expanding foam. Next, depending on where you are using the spray foam insulation, you may want to tape off any wall or window that could be affected by the foam. Last, make sure you have clothing that you don’t mind ruining, as well as gloves and possibly protective eyewear. After taking these steps you are now ready to start spraying.

It is important to note that spray foam sealant is only to be used for small applications in the home. If you are trying to insulate an entire wall, there are other products better suited for this. Some primary ways spray foam insulation is used are for fixing gaps in insulation, sealing cracks around windows, and filling in holes in walls. 

When you start to use spray foam, it is important to know that the foam expands quickly. It is typically a good idea to try and spray some foam on something you plan to throw away to get some practice. This will help you spray accurately and not to over spray. You may want to spray a smaller area at a time so that you can give it some time and space to expand. Continue this process of spraying small amounts until the desired area is full of foam sealant. Finally, after the foam has dried up you can take a small hand saw and cut it flesh with the wall if needed. If you need to do this, just be careful to not cut any other surfaces. 

In some cases you may need to pause the project or you may have leftover foam in a can. Since the foam tubes are a one-time use only, we have replacement foam tubes available for you. We hope this helps you have a successful diy spray foam project in your home!